Java Basics History MCQ Questions and Answers 2

Study and learn Java MCQ questions and answers on Basics and Invention history. Attend job interviews easily with these MCQs.

Go through Java Basic Theory Notes before studying these questions.

1) What does JVM stands for?

A) Java Variable Machine

B) Java Virtual Machine

C) Java Virtual Mechanism

D) None of the above

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JRE Software creates JVM in the PC. JVM is implemented differently on different machines and hardware so that the Byte Code present in the Class file produces the same output.

2) What is JVM ?

A) JVM is the confined memory area

B) All java programs run inside JVM memory

C) JVM provides security to the computer by giving controlled access to Files and Memory on a computer

D) All the above

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3) When was first Version of Java i.e Java 1.0 was released?

A) 1991

B) 1994

C) 1996

D) 1999

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4) What is Portability offered by Java language?

A) Small code size easy to carry occupying less disk space

B) Generating suitable Byte Code for each machine by the Compiler

C) Ability to run the Byte on different machines producing the same behaviour and output

D) Java does not actually provide portability

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5) What is JIT in Java?

A) Java In Timer

B) Java In Time Thread

C) Just In Time Compiler

D) Just In Time Runnable

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6) Choose the correct statement about Java?

A) JIT Compiler produces Byte Code from Java file.

B) JIT Compiler takes chunks of Byte Code as input and produces Executable code on that particular machine.

C) JIT Compiler assists the actual JAVAC compiler to compile fast

D) None of the above

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7) What happens in the absence of JIT Compiler in Java?

A) Byte code is produced slowly

B) Executable Code is produced slowly because of line by line Interpreting

C) Executable Code is produced without portability

D) None of the above

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8) What are the main Distribution types of Java Software?

A) Java SE (Java Standard Edition)

B) Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition)

C) Java ME (Java Micro Edition)

D) All the above

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9) What is the Java distribution type used to build Web Apps in Java?

A) Java SE

B) Java EE

C) Java ME

D) Java Embedded

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Java SE is used to build standalone apps with GUI. AWT and Swings are used mainly.

Java ME is used on Embedded Chips like IOT devices, Vending Machines, Set Top Boxes, ATMs and all.

10) What is LTS mentioned along with Java Version names like Java SE 11 LTS?

A) LTS stands for Long Term Support

B) LTS Versions are patched for security vulnerabilities for up to 5 Years from the release date.

C) Java SE 8 LTS (supported up to March 2022) and Java SE 11 LTS  (supported up to September 2023) are available as of now.

D) All the above

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11) What is Ahead of Time Compiler in Java?

A) Ahead of time compiler compiles java files as and when you type and save.

B) Ahead of time compiler turns byte code to executable code line by line based on requirement

C) Ahead of time compiler is a replacement for JIT compiler to translate all byte code to a single executable file or code to run the program fast and efficient.

D) None of the above

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12) What is the Java command used to compile a java program from Command Line or Command Prompt or CMD?









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13) What is the command used to Run a Java program form Command Line or Command Prompt or CMD?


javac hello


java hello.class


java hello



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“java” command expects only a Class Name without the file name extension like .class.

14) What is a Java Editor?

A) Java editor is simply an IDE like Notepad to type or edit java programs. It does not have ability Compiling or Running java programs without installing separate Java Packages on the PC.

B) Java editor is like Eclipse IDE that has shortcut options or buttons to compile and run java programs without using CMD or Command Line.

C) Java IDE searches for the installed Java location for JAVAC, JAVA and JAWAH to compile and run programs for you.

D) All the above

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